OSWALD PEREIRA makes a strong plea to counter the politics of divide and rule, so that we can live in harmony and brotherhood without the tag of majority and minority
The time has come for all sensible Indians, residents of Bharat, the most ancient and enlightened land in the world to abolish the concept of majority and minorities. The only class benefiting from this division is the political class, which thrives on dividing people on religious and communal lines.
We are all children of God, made in His image. We breathe the same air, bask in the same sunshine and glory of the One God. God never created us as minority or majority. He created us as human beings to grow, flourish and prosper in His love and in the love for each other.
All of us who have read the scriptures know that the words majority and minority do not exist in these divine works. Then why do we humans accept such terminology, which is nothing short of obnoxious, if we look at the way it is being misused by wily politicians to feather their own nests.

First, it was the British rulers who propagated the idea of majority and minority to divide and rule. Now it is our own ruling class, since we gained Independence, that is dividing majority and minority to fill their vote banks.
Every political party is guilty of this vicious game. They are all guilty of making a mockery of God’s human creation, born in bliss and oneness with divinity. We have become victims of this political game that has plagued our society and divided us, children of One God.
Politicians are guilty of vitiating our scriptures by their nefarious games. We should counter their games by not countenancing any politician who promises us prosperity at the cost of others.
The great sage and yogi Swami Vivekananda believed that the message of Vedanta, which “proclaimed the divinity of the soul and the oneness of existence,” could alone “bind up and heal the wounds of India” and the world as well.
India’s political leaders in the past drew inspiration from both Vivekananda and his guru Sri Ramakrishna, who taught us concepts like universalism of religions. But politicians now seem to have forgotten their teachings, thanks to their one-track agenda of capturing power at any cost.

Let us all allow politicians to stew in their own soup of divisive politics and follow Vivekananda’s belief that it is the Vedanta’s message of ‘the divinity of the soul and oneness of existence’ that can ‘heal our wounds.’
We can thus repair the damage caused to our psyche and society by politicians who have been dividing us all this while on the basis of majority and minorities.
Our great Bharat then will become a land where we live in harmony and brotherhood without the tag of majority and minority. Then we can claim to be true nationalists and lovers of God and humankind.
Oswald Pereira, a senior journalist, has also written eight books, including The Newsroom Mafia, Chaddi Buddies, The Krishna-Christ Connexion, How to Create Miracles in Our Daily Life and Crime Patrol: The Most Thrilling Stories. Oswald is a disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, and practises Kriya Yoga.
More Stories by Oswald Pereira
Featured Image: Anurag Sharma from Pexels
True Oswald ji, all the divisions along the line of majority and minority, casts and creeds or faiths and belief are the creation of divisive politics. Are we not witness to this shameless behaviours of politicians who brazenly use this trick in broad daylight to create divisions in our society for the sake of stealing political benefit?
Who cares at all if thereby they tear and torn apart the social fabric??
Even as it is not an indicator of a civilised and cultured society which we claim to be, the furthering of divisive mentality which is systematically planned and executed by politicians, who happen to be at the helm of general affairs estranges us from the core values of our civilisation which makes it an all inclusive and liberal, accommodative society.
As elections happen to be a regular exercise in our country, divisive tricks have become the tools of trade by the politicians to take quick dividends out of vote politics. No doubt they are incorrigible in every sense of the term, but we as conscious citizens must be aware of this gimmick and work judiciously as well as actively to safeguard the amity of our society and also the sanctity of our social fabric.
The ultimate guiding light to that effect, as you have said, is Vedanta following which we can defeat the divisive politics of politicians and resurrect the faith of Divinity of every soul which alone can assure us Unity and Amity. May good sense prevail upon the ruling class and the opposition as well to follow this one and only eternal guiding light. So be it…