Sunday, September 8, 2024


Dr Sanjay Teotia is a senior consultant eye surgeon.

post-Awaken Your Higher Consciousness with Spiritual YogaAwaken Your Higher Consciousness with Spiritual Yoga

When you stress on Asanas, Pranayama, Savasana, diet and nutrition, positive thinking and meditation, then you are bound to activate your higher consciousness, says DR SANJAY TEOTIA Higher consciousness is often used by spiritually minded people to describe important, but...

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post-What Can We Expect from Omicron?What Can We Expect from Omicron?

DR SANJAY TEOTIA explains the Omicron variant to our readers and advises how we can stay safe The World Health Organization recently classified a new variant of SARS-CoV-2 first detected by South African researchers and have labelled it as a...

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post-Enhance Your Spiritual QuotientEnhance Your Spiritual Quotient

DR SANJAY TEOTIA suggests practical ways to increase your connection with the divine and to imbibe spiritual qualities in your daily life A spiritual practice or spiritual discipline is the regular or full-time performance of spiritual exercises or a series...

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post-Are We Part of the Divine?Are We Part of the Divine?

DR SANJAY TEOTIA tosses the eternal question about man’s relationship with God and the cosmos The Divine is Godhead itself or God in general or perhaps the word refers to a deity. Even angels in the Psalms are considered divine...

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post-Should I Send My Children to School?Should I Send My Children to School?

DR SANJAY TEOTIA addresses parents’ concerns about whether it is safe for children to return to school in the midst of this Covid pandemic Schools are opening all across the country and parents are opting to send send their kids...

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post-Truth is the Only ConstantTruth is the Only Constant

DR SANJAY TEOTIA says that true religion is based on the Ultimate Truth. If we follow this path steadfastly we will ultimately attain moksha Truth if analysed is revealed as the world’s best religion. The question that now arises in...

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post-Covid Ki Aisi Ki TaisiCovid Ki Aisi Ki Taisi

With the surge in infections worldwide of the Delta variant, DR SANJAY TEOTIA’s advice on keeping Covid at bay comes as a timely reminder to us that we must never let our guard down There are three main protocols that...

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post-Transmigration of Our SoulTransmigration of Our Soul

DR SANJAY TEOTIA tries to understand what the soul is and its struggle to obtain moksha The soul is an internal energy that is invisible and is a part of God. The soul migrates from one plane to another, sometimes...

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post-Our Fate and KarmaOur Fate and Karma

Our life is a result of our actions in our past lives, but fate and destiny play important roles, says DR SANJAY TEOTIA Although karma is supreme, fate plays an equally important role in one’s life. Karma means only good...

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