Sunday, September 8, 2024


Dr Parul Gupta holds a Masters in Physiotherapy (orthopaedics) and has eight years’ clinical experience. She believes in self-motivation and is always keen to expand her learning through books, religion and spirituality.

post-Your Child is a Gift from GodYour Child is a Gift from God

I feel like it was only yesterday when I first got the news of my motherhood. It’s hard to explain that while you can’t perceive anything inside you then, it will soon be verified and soon enough, you will start...

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post-Self-Respect: Love Yourself The Way You AreSelf-Respect: Love Yourself The Way You Are

Is self-respect as important as it is made out to be? Let’s find out why self-respect or dignity is so essential to life and to our well-being. Self-respect is holding yourself in high esteem and considering yourself worthy of being...

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