You are born with a unique energy signature; so make the most out of it and create your own destiny for all times to come, says GIAN KUMAR

Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it … Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again – Steve Jobs

Why is it that submerged in material existence, enveloped in self-identity, we keep questioning ourselves on the significance of life? It is more to satisfy our mind or ego, simply because we are never content or fulfilled? Is our questioning driven by our need to expect something more out of our future; a meaning and purpose in life?

Based on years of research and study, neuroscientists have discovered that the mind majorly functions on its own unconsciously. There is simply no one to direct or take over this phenomenal mechanism called the mind. When you pursue life unconsciously that is purely through your five senses, you remain insecure, angry, discontented and unhappy. Hence, it becomes imperative for us to know the true nature of our own reality.

Gian Kumar

We are the only living creatures on this planet with the ability to be aware and conscious of our own mind. However, all this is subject to our first knowing ‘who we really are’ and also from realising that our being-ness is independent from the cognitive unconscious mind.

The answer to this all-important subject of life is revealed only after you come to know the third dimension of your existence. Besides the body and the mind, there is this presence of the spirit residing dormant within, telling you that body, mind, name, and gender is what you have gathered from here and there. ‘I am’ that real you, the presence of that fundamental source of aware energy from which you experience and realise what life is all about?

When you pursue your life through the cognitive mind, you are dictated by your likes/ dislikes, emotions/ intellect and that all-important me and mine. However, when life simply experiences from one moment to the next, it is a majestic flow of aware energy combining past, present, and future into one. You are conscious ― alert, aware and attentive towards any moment. You respond to every stimulus in a responsible manner and you reflect back with an elevated consciousness.

You are that pure awareness meant to experience and realise the very special gift of uniqueness. It is your unmatched individuality. Make something out of it. It needs to be created not with scheming and demanding, but intuitively and spontaneously. Your physical existence in space and time is merely a reflection of your beliefs of a separate identity. Therefore, the ultimate experience of life lies not in your ‘you and me’ but in the actual reality of its oneness.

The secret of life is to be wholly involved with every thought and act in the here and now. You are born with a unique energy signature; so make the most out of it and create your own destiny for all times to come.

From childhood, Gian Kumar’s life has been filled with paradoxes which he has struggled to understand. The inherent confusion and dogmas underlying religion gradually impelled him towards spirituality. 

He is the author of several well-known books on spirituality.